Personal Retriever Logo


Organizational Endorsements

The Personal Retriever. is the only tool successfully combining effective reach and sufficient buoyancy in a reliable non-injurious delivery system and is the first throw able rescue device taken seriously by maritime and rescue professionals.

UCSD Connect Award

2004 Most Innovative New Product Award
University of California, San Diego, CONNECT
December 2004, San Diego, CA- LIFE-SAFER, INC received an award for The Most Innovative New Product from The University of California San Diego. At their 17th annual CONNECT Awards Program, the University recognized LIFE-SAFER's Personal Retriever as the winner of the General Technology Category.


Gulf Coast Mariners Association.
The Personal Retriever does more than take the place of a ring buoy and has a "reach" of up to 100-feet. Compare apples to apples; see how far you can throw a ring life buoy in comparison to the Personal Retriever. Even more important, compare the accuracy, with
which you can reach a target (say, a person in the water) 25, 50 or 75 feet away. Like
anything, practice makes perfect. Remember that there may be a drowning person on the
other end of the line and time is of the essence. Using the Personal Retriever, following the
instructions, made me a "believer." GCMA is taking the unusual step of recommending this
lifesaving device to our members.

Richard Block, Director

Trauma Research & Education Foundation,
We are not aware of another tool, which empowers and also protects first responders from the dangers and challenges of responding to a drowning event. It is our belief that water entries should only be done by trained lifeguards and those EMS personnel trained and equipped for body recoveries in the water.

Mike Casinelli, Executive Director

EPIC (Eliminate Preventable Injuries of Children)
It is time to end the tragic cycle of drowning deaths. The Retriever Project represents a giant leap in the right direction. It not only focuses on primary drowning victims, but also addresses the safety of first responders as well.

Josh Krimston, Paramedic & Founder

Watercraft Rescue & Training, Inc.
With little practice, any rescuer may become proficient enough to land this floatable rescue aid within a struggling patients arms reach every time. The floatation of the Personal Retriever is sufficient enough to maintain a patients head above the water reducing the chance of submersion and water ingestion.

Scott Collier, Founder & Instructor

Friend Ships Unlimited, Lake Charles, LA
We have incorporated Personal Retrievers in our man-overboard training sessions and have found them to be effective. With very little training our personnel have become proficient as handling the Retriever. Capt. Stan Langaker, Master Mariner Goulais Fire And Rescue The Retriever is a well thought out and put together piece of equipment. This disc, I am sure will save countless lives.

Fire Chief Robert Menard

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Local: (619) 222-3467
Fax: (619) 222-3673