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Personal Endorsements

The Personal Retriever. is the only tool successfully combining effective reach and sufficient buoyancy in a reliable non-injurious delivery system and is the first throw able rescue device taken seriously by maritime and rescue professionals.

Jim Segerstrom, Director, Special Rescue Services Group; Founder of the SRT program.

After nearly 30 years teaching swift water rescue and having seen earlier Frisbeedevices, I was one of the skeptics regarding the Personal Retriever. However, after having used it in a wide variety of conditions ranging up to Class IV whitewater, I am a convert. It is user friendly; works well even in fast-moving water; and since victims in floods virtually NEVER have flotation, supplants the throw bag as the device of first choice in such situations. I would recommend a Personal Retriever on all first in fire apparatus and the trunks of all police cars.

Peter Isler, 2x America's Cup winning navigator, author and television commentator

Every man-overboard situation is a little bit different and poses a unique challenge to the crew of a boat. If you went overboard, you'd want the crew to be well trained and well equipped to affect a speedy recovery. The Personal Retriever is an innovative, inexpensive, easy to use device that could be invaluable in many different life saving situations. Be prepared.

Dominique Sumian, Expedition leader for Jacques Cousteau

It's now over a year since you gave me a Personal Retriever. I have taken it with me on all my business trips. It has been shown to the Chilean Navy Seal Team, the Special Forces Frogmen, the Ecuadorian Special Forces, the Israeli Seal Team, the Egyptian Seal Team and finally the Japanese Navy and all have agreed that it works much better than anything they have available. It is really a simple tool but it can save hundreds of people every year.

Larry Brudnicki, Captain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret)

During my 30 years on active duty in the Coast Guard, I was underway on 35 Coast Guard ships and I supervised more than 15,000 search and rescue cases that saved more than 1,600 lives, including the one which has received great publicity through the NY Times bestselling book and the blockbuster movie, The Perfect Storm. I only wish that you had invented this device sooner!

Richard Bedard, Master Diver EMCM (DSW/SW/MDV) U.S. Navy (Ret)

I heartily endorse this piece of equipment to replace the old and outdated life rings usually carried and generally not used due to their ineffectiveness as a rescue tool, by all ships and small boats in the fleet. It is a ready top use device!�

Fire Chief James A. Neenam, Town of Pembrook, MA

The Personal Retriever allows for all of our apparatus to carry a first line piece of rescue equipment. I feel the ease of use, cost and limited space needed makes this a must for all agencies that deal with water emergencies.

Tom C. Arnold, Master Chief Boatswain, U.S. Coast Guard (Ret.)

As a Small Boat Manager, I believed it was my responsibility to provide the best and most up to date equipment to District small boat personnel. The personnel immediately saw the advantages of carrying the Personal Retriever on their small boats and in their unit vehicles.

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